You may be a manager, but that doesn’t mean you’re good at it. If you want to improve your management skills, here are some tips for getting started:
1. Be honest with yourself, and don’t overcommit.
When you’re a manager, there are so many things to do and so little time. If you are not careful, it’s easy to get overbooked and overwhelmed by the sheer number of requests coming your way. If this happens too often (or even once), it can lead to resentment among your employees who feel like they aren’t getting what they need from their manager.
The best way for managers to avoid this problem is by being honest with themselves about what they can handle and then sticking with those limits. It helps if managers also learn how say no when necessary–even if it means disappointing someone else in order for them to succeed as a team member or leader down the road!
2. Listen more than you talk.
Listening is the most important skill for a manager. It’s not just about hearing what people are saying, but also listening to what they are not saying–and even more importantly, paying attention to their tone of voice and body language.
When you’re talking with someone who works for you, try keeping an eye on them as well as an ear out for clues about what they really mean by their words. Are they leaning forward or back? Are their arms crossed over their chest? Is there any tension in their face or neck muscles? These are all signs that may indicate whether or not your employee is engaged with what you’re saying (or if perhaps there’s something else going on).
3. Don’t try to be friends with your employees; they’re not your friends, they’re your team members.
When you’re the boss, your employees aren’t friends; they’re team members. And if you want to be a good manager and get the most out of them, then it’s important to keep this in mind at all times.
You need to be able to give tough love when needed and be clear about what is expected from each person on your team. Don’t try to be friends with your employees; instead focus on being their manager so that everyone knows what their role is within the company structure and can work together better as a result!
4. Never underestimate the power of a handwritten thank you note (or email, or text message).
The power of a handwritten thank you note is undeniable. It’s not just because it shows you care and respect the person who helped you, but also because it reminds them that they are valued members of your team.
It doesn’t matter if it’s an email or text message–as long as it comes from the heart, people will appreciate the gesture no matter what medium is used to send it.
5. Give feedback quickly, but give it privately first if necessary.
One of the most important things a manager can do is give feedback to employees. It’s a two-way street, and both parties need to be open in order for it to work effectively.
Feedback should come quickly and privately first if necessary. If you wait too long, you run the risk of stepping on someone else’s toes or getting caught up in other priorities–or even just forgetting about what happened until later when it’s too late!
Don’t worry about hurting someone’s feelings; if they’re not receptive, then maybe this isn’t the job for them anyway (and that’s okay).
6. Give praise publicly where appropriate too!
Praise publicly, criticize privately. This is a well-known principle in management and it’s important to keep in mind when you’re trying to be a better manager. If you see someone doing something right, give them praise immediately! Don’t wait until the end of the year or some other time when everyone is scrambling around trying to get their performance reviews done on time; give them positive feedback as soon as possible after they did something worthy of praise.
If there are things that need improvement (and every employee has something they could do differently), then go ahead and bring those up privately instead of just criticizing outright–but make sure it’s constructive criticism based off specific behaviors rather than generalizations about who someone is as a person (or else this could come across as toxic).
7. Have a plan for making sure everyone knows what’s expected of them and that there are clear lines of communication within your team about anything that’s missing from their job description or responsibilities for day-to-day operations (i.e., what does each person know about the company’s vision, plans for growth and success going forward, etc.).
The first step in becoming a better manager is knowing what your team members are supposed to be doing, and then making sure they know that. You want to make sure everyone has an understanding of their job description, as well as any additional responsibilities that may have come up since the last time you talked about them.
You should also ensure that no one is missing important information about the company’s vision or plans for growth and success going forward (i.e., what does each person know about the company’s vision, plans for growth and success going forward). This way, everyone can feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves–and therefore more motivated to do their best work every day!
It’s important to remember that people who work remotely need plenty of attention as well
When you have a remote team, it’s important to remember that they need plenty of attention as well. They need to feel connected with the company and their work, valued for their contributions, like they’re part of something bigger than themselves. The same rules apply: If a manager doesn’t make an effort to keep in touch with their employees every day–in person or through email–then those employees will start feeling isolated from any sort of team dynamic that might be forming at the office.
If your company has remote workers who aren’t in an office building all day long but still within range of WiFi access points (or cellular data), then I recommend checking in with them daily via video chat or phone call; otherwise there’s too much room for miscommunication between managers and their teams
I hope these tips have helped you be a better manager! If you have any other ideas or suggestions for how to improve your management skills, please share them in the comments below.
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